Buxton Freemasons’ Hall

Buxton Freemasons’ Hall

A Look AT The Hall


Freemasons are judged on the content of their character, not any disability that they may have. We welcome everyone and we will always be ready to lend a helping hand when required.

Many of our meeting places were built before disabilities were fully considered; many have protected status making major adaptations difficult. But Freemasons in themselves will adapt and assist Brethren, and visitors, to fully participate and enjoy the facilities.

Parking: No. Parking in The Square c 75 yds
Approach: 12 steep external stone steps to entrance. Hand rails both sides.
Entrance: Double opening doors.
Inside: Rest chair available. No hearing loop.
Stairs/Lifts: All main rooms on first floor via external steps. No lift. Stairs have hand-rail both sides.
Toilets: Toilet available; not fully accessible.
Emergency: Emergency exits via steps.

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