Become A Freemason

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Interested In Joining?

Freemasonry is open to men who are over the age of 18, it is open to men regardless of ethnic group, political views, economic standing or religion however he is expected to have a belief in a “supreme being” and a faith. 

In the UK there are 55 University Lodges which are open to students over the age of 18, the closest Lodge within the University Scheme is Hartington Lodge, No. 1085.

Usually you would know someone who is a member and they will suggest that you might wish to consider it.

Alternatively if you have a friend who is a member you can simply ask them. There are no hard and fast rules but the concept that if you ask then no-one will recommend you to join is a myth! Inevitably there will be many men who are interested but don’t necessarily have a friend who is already a member.

At the bottom of this page is a contact form for you to register your interest, once completed a member of our team will contact you.

Following the intitial contact we will arrange to meet you or invite you to one of our social functions if we have one at the time and this will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Depending on which Lodge suits you and assuming you wish to go ahead then a suitable date for your initiation will be determined. At no time will we attempt to persuade you to join, it will be up to you to decide in your own time.


If you are interested in joining a lodge within Derbyshire please complete the form below.

If you submit this form the Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire may store and use the personal data you provide in order to respond to your query, check any information you have provided and improve the quality of the services it offers. Please see our data protection notice for more information.