Bi-Centenary Celebrations Of Chapter Of Justice

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On Tuesday 5th September, Chapter of Justice celebrated its Bi-centenary. The Chapter first met on 5th December 1789 under a dispensation from Thomas Dunckerley, receiving its Charter in January 1790. The Chapter moved from Nottingham to Derby in 1815 and in 1822 was formally attached to Tyrian Lodge, some of whose members had been members of Justice since its earliest days in Nottingham. The bi-centenary dates from the 1822 Charter of Attachment, which all existing Chapters had to apply for following the Union of the two Grand Chapters in 1817.

The Chapter was opened by the Three Principals, EComp Robin Appleby MEZ, EComp Gary Brock H and EComp Paul Foster J.

The ME Grand Superintendent EComp Charles Cunnington entered in procession with the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals and Officers of Provincial Grand Chapter.

The ME Third Grand Principal MEComp Gareth Jones  entered in procession with the visiting Supreme Grand Chapter Officers including the Deputy Grand Scribe E EComp Graham Redman, the Grand Superintendent of Nottinghamshire EComp Julian Townsend, the Grand Sword Bearer EComp Philip Marshall, and the Deputy Grand Superintendent of Leicestershire and Rutland EComp Jonathan Varley.

The Past Grand Third Principal EComp Steven Varley, The Past Grand Superintendent of Derbyshire EComp Tom Briggs, Past Grand Scribe N EComp Graham Rudd, Past Grand Standard Bearer EComp Roger Till and the Grand Organist EComp Rob Smallwood, all being members of the Chapter of Justice, were awaiting him in the temple.

A short History of the Chapter was delivered by the Scribe E EComp Roger Till and the Third Grand Principal called upon the Deputy Grand Scribe E to read the Bi-centenary Charter before presenting it to the Three Principals. He presented each of the Three Principals with their Bi-centenary jewel and bar and invited the rest of the members to display their jewels.

The Third Provincial Grand Principal EComp Stuart Riley delivered the Oration and the Chapter was closed. Almost 100 companions attended the meeting and 92 stayed to dine – not quite the sumptuous feast of 1922 to celebrate the Centenary, but an enjoyable meal and social occasion never-the-less . A 100 page History of the Chapter was presented to each attendee.

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