Consecration of Derbyshire Motorcycle Lodge

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Saturday 16th of December saw the consecration of a new Lodge on Derbyshire, the Motorcycle Lodge No. 9950. This exciting new Lodge followed the consecration of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge, Rutland Lodge No. 1179 was the sponsor.

The Temple in Derby was packed and the attendees witnessed a tremendous and solemn ceremony led by the Consecrating Officer, RW Bro Arthur Steven Varley, Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire overseen by the ever cool and confident Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ravi Kumar Sahnan.

Following a short recession, the Lodge was duly called on and business resumed. Very Worshipful Bro Brian Evangelista Deputy Provincial Grand Master took the chair and proceeded to install W Bro Philip John Wright, PProvSGW  into the chair in exemplary fashion. The founding officers of the Lodge were then appointed and invested.

The address to the Master was given by VW Bro Brian Evangelista, that to the Wardens by W Bro Alan Burgess Provincial Senior Grand Warden, and to the Brethren by W Bro Neil Cross, Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

The WM was presented with three bespoke mauls, each in different woods and beautifully crafted in the style of pistons and con rods. The founding Secretary W Bro Steve Gough had gifted these to the Lodge and no doubt they will see many years of service.

The WM was then astonished when W Bro David Downey , who is a member of the Isle of Man TT Lodge spoke up and presented a replica of the Isle of Mann TT winners trophy. This is a one off and unique gift as only winners of the TT are allowed to possess one and replicas have never been produced.  Special permission had been granted for this and no doubt the Lodge will treasure this possession and proudly display it in the ensuing years.

As the name of the Lodge clearly implies, this Lodge will appeal to Motorcyclists in the Province although the founding Worshipful Master W Bro Philip John Wright, PProvSGW made it clear that an interest in motorcycling was the fundamental qualification to join and the ownership of a motorcycle was not necessary. The Consecration Luncheon followed. The Grange provided their usual quality fayre and the service was excellent. The atmosphere in the Festive Board was wonderful.

The surprise of the afternoon came when the Provincial Santa entered the dining hall to the loud ringing of bells and much clapping and cheering. Bearing more than a striking resemblance to W Bro Malcolm Prentice, Santa then made due enquiries of the RW Provincial Grand Master as to whether he had been naughty or nice this year. Santa then presented both The Provincial Grand Master and his wife a Christmas gift.

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