Derbyshire Freemasons provide support today for the soldiers of tomorrow

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There Is a strong connection in Derbyshire Freemasonry with the British Armed Forces. In our recent past we have supported the Air Cadets and the Sea Cadets. We have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and built a remembrance garden at Crich War Memorial. Our own United Services Lodge is home to a good number of Freemasons who are ex-military and we are proud of our own memorial at our headquarters in Derby which commemorates our Brothers who fell in several wars and to whom we owe the freedom we enjoy today.

The Army Cadets website has the header “Fun, Friendship, Action and Adventure” and Derbyshire Freemasons saw this in practise on Saturday the 10th of June 2023 when they hosted a special event at the Grange in Derby for the youngsters who represented various detachments. There are over 32 detachments in Derbyshire, each receiving a pledge of £500; a total of £16,000 to assist the ACF going forward. A lot of the Cadets were already suggesting ways of using the £500 to improve their own detachments! In all there were 81 Cadets and adult volunteers present, as well as the Cadet Band which played a march as the guests processed in and out of the room.

The Provincial Grand Master welcomed the guests and dignitaries, following which he presented beautifully printed certificates to the cadets and adult volunteers from the detachments represented, engaging with each person individually. These young people are excellent role models for a better society and the Freemasons of Derbyshire were very pleased to have a chance to meet them. Honorary Colonel Leigh Timmis addressed the Cadets and gave an insight into his background – including his world records in cycling and further inspired the cadets to step out of their comfort zones to achieve their full potential and discussed the opportunities within the ACF, cadets have to work with others to achieve.

The Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire Ian Copestake was honoured to be accompanied by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Theresa Peltier; Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Lieutenant Colonel David Dawber; Derbyshire ACF’s CEO, Major Clive Sparling; Honorary Colonel, Leigh Timmis; and other members of Derbyshire Freemasons.

Lunch was served after the presentation with RW Bro Ian Copestake closing with a speech highlighting the work Freemasons do for charities, fundraising and community organisations. A great day was had by all in attendance, a day which will be remembered by the Freemasons of Derbyshire who will no doubt be proud that their charitable contributions are going to help such very important organisations.

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