Harrington Lodge

No: 5098

Who are we?

In September 1928 steps be taken to form a new Masonic Lodge to be called the “Harrington Lodge,” and the Earl of Harrington was approached for his sanction for the use of the name. The proposed Lodge should meet at the Fairfield Masonic Lodge Room, Pavilion Hotel, Long Eaton. The Earl of Harrington consented to the use of his name. It was also reported that the Past Masters and Brethren of the Fairfield Lodge had unanimously consented to the formation of the new Lodge. The Warrant was issued and dated 6th February 1929, and the Harrington Lodge was Consecrated on the Eleventh day of June 1929, at the Masonic Lodge Room, Pavilion Hotel, Long Eaton.

What we do

Freemasonry good men become better. It is a fast forward to friendship, We endeavour to give you a warm welcome whether visiting or as a candidate or joining member. We support local charities through our own fundraising. We have a great atmosphere at our festive boards with a unique song to our visitors.

Why join us?

Freemasonry is founded on the principles of brotherly love, relief & truth. It communicates its ancient secrets and mysteries to worthy men, and we trust to worthy men alone, by a series of ceremonies in the form of allegorical drama. At Harrington Lodge we prize command of and respect for our ceremonial ritual as the path towards moral virtue & philosophical truth. We meet at Cleve Lodge in Long Eaton.

Harrington Lodge Banner

When we meet

2nd Fri in Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr & May

Lodge Info



Number Of Meetings:

8 per year

Membership Fee:


Dining Fee:


Contact Us

Social MEdia



Where We Meet

Long Eaton Freemasons’ Hall

23 Elm Ave, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4LR